Anavar vs S4 (Andarine): Which is Safer for You?

Are you looking to enhance your performance and achieve your fitness goals? The world of sports and fitness is filled with various supplements and substances that claim to help you achieve your desired results. Two such substances that are often mentioned in the realm of performance enhancement are Anavar and S4.

In this article, we’ll explore the similarities and differences between Anavar and S4, providing you with the information you need to make an informed decision about which one may be right for you.

Anavar Vs S4

Anavar vs S4 (Andarine) – Comparison Table

Here’s a comparison table of Anavar (Oxandrolone) and S4 (Andarine) based on various aspects:

AspectAnavar (Oxandrolone)S4 (Andarine)
Classification:Anabolic steroidSelective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM)
Medical Use:Treatment of muscle wasting, weight loss, and recovery from severe burnsNone approved; Investigational
Muscle Building Effects:Mild to moderateModerate to strong
Androgenic Effects:LowLow
Anabolic Effects:HighHigh
Dosage:Typically 20-50 mg/dayTypically 25-50 mg/day
Half-Life:Approximately 9-10 hoursApproximately 4-6 hours
Detection Time:Up to 3 weeksUp to 2 weeks
Estrogen Conversion:NoNo
Liver Toxicity:LowLow
Suppression of Testosterone:ModerateModerate
Side Effects:Possible androgenic-related side effects, including acne, hair loss, virilization in females, and cardiovascular risksPossible vision-related side effects, including yellow vision, night blindness, and changes in color perception; also, mild suppression of testosterone levels
Legal Status:Controlled substance, prescription-onlyNot approved for human use, considered a research chemical
Availability:Prescription-only, difficult to obtain legally without a medical need (BUY HERE)Easily available online as a research chemical (BUY HERE)

What are The Differences Between Anavar and S4?

Anavar (Oxandrolone) and S4 (Andarine) are both compounds used in the field of sports performance and bodybuilding, but they have some key differences.

Here are some of the main differences between Anavar and S4:

  • Classification: Anavar is classified as an anabolic steroid, while S4 is classified as a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, while SARMs selectively bind to androgen receptors in specific tissues, aiming to provide similar benefits to anabolic steroids with potentially fewer side effects.
  • Medical Use: Anavar is approved for medical use and is used to treat conditions such as muscle wasting, weight loss, and recovery from severe burns. On the other hand, S4 is not approved for human use and is considered an investigational compound, meaning it is not prescribed for any medical condition.
  • Muscle Building Effects: While both Anavar and S4 are known to promote muscle building, S4 is generally considered to have more potent muscle-building effects compared to Anavar. S4 has been reported to have a stronger anabolic effect on muscle tissue, making it popular among bodybuilders and athletes for its potential muscle-building properties.
  • Androgenic Effects: Anavar is known to have low androgenic effects, meaning it has a lower tendency to cause masculinizing effects such as acne, hair loss, and virilization in females. S4 is also considered to have low androgenic effects, but some users have reported vision-related side effects such as yellow vision, night blindness, and changes in color perception.
  • Route of Administration: Both Anavar and S4 are orally administered, meaning they are taken in the form of oral tablets or capsules. However, the dosing frequency and half-life of the two compounds differ, with Anavar typically having a longer half-life compared to S4.
  • Legal Status: Anavar is a controlled substance and is available only by prescription, while S4 is not approved for human use and is considered a research chemical. The legal status and availability of these compounds may vary depending on the country or region, and it’s important to adhere to the relevant laws and regulations.
  • Side Effects: Anavar and S4 may have different side effects. Anavar is associated with potential androgenic-related side effects, such as acne, hair loss, and cardiovascular risks, while S4 has been reported to have vision-related side effects, particularly at higher doses.
  • Suppression of Testosterone: Both Anavar and S4 may have some degree of suppression of natural testosterone production. Anavar is known to cause moderate suppression of testosterone levels, while the effects of S4 on testosterone levels are less well-established.

What are The Similarities Between Anavar and S4?