Anavar vs S23: Which is Better?

Are you looking to enhance your bodybuilding gains and achieve peak performance in the gym? Curious about the latest performance-enhancing compounds on the market?

Two names that often come up in discussions among athletes and bodybuilders are Anavar and S23.

These compounds are known for their potential to promote muscle growth and improve physical performance, but they also have differences in their mechanisms of action, potency, and legal status.

If you’re intrigued by the idea of using these substances to elevate your bodybuilding game, read on to discover the similarities and differences between Anavar and S23 and gain insight into which might be the right choice for you.

Anavar Vs S23

Anavar vs S23 – Comparison Table

Drug Class:Oral Anabolic SteroidSelective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM)
Usage:Performance-enhancing drug, prescribed for medical conditions such as muscle wastingExperimental compound, not approved for human use
Anabolic Rating:322-63010-30
Androgenic Rating:240
Mechanism of Action:Binds to androgen receptors, promotes protein synthesis, enhances muscle growthBinds selectively to androgen receptors, promotes anabolic effects in muscle and bone
Muscle Building Effects:Increases protein synthesis, promotes muscle growthPromotes muscle growth, enhances muscle density and strength
Fat Burning Effects:Mildly enhances fat burningMay promote fat loss by increasing metabolism and reducing fat storage
Estrogenic Effects:Low estrogenic activityNo estrogenic activity
Androgenic Effects:Low androgenic activityNo androgenic activity
Liver Toxicity:Moderate, can cause liver damageUnknown, further research required
PCT (Post Cycle Therapy):Usually required after prolonged useNot applicable
Side Effects:Possible hormonal imbalances, liver toxicity, and virilization in femalesPotential for hormonal imbalances, unknown long-term safety
Legal Status:Controlled substance, prescription-onlyExperimental compound, not approved for human use
Availability:Prescription-only, limited availability (BUY HERE)Not available for human use, only for research purposes (BUY HERE)

What are The Differences Between Anavar vs S23?

Here are the key differences between Anavar (Oxandrolone) and S23 (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator):

  • Drug Class: Anavar is an oral anabolic steroid, while S23 is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM).
  • Usage: Anavar is a prescription medication used for medical purposes such as treating muscle wasting, while S23 is an experimental compound that is not approved for human use and is typically used for research purposes only.
  • Mechanism of Action: Anavar binds to androgen receptors in the body, promoting protein synthesis and enhancing muscle growth. S23 also binds selectively to androgen receptors, but it is more tissue-selective and promotes anabolic effects in muscle and bone.
  • Anabolic and Androgenic Ratings: Anavar has a higher anabolic rating (322-630) compared to S23 (10-30), meaning it may have a stronger effect on muscle growth. Anavar also has a low androgenic rating (24), while S23 has no androgenic activity.
  • Estrogenic Effects: Anavar has low estrogenic activity, which means it is unlikely to cause estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia. S23, on the other hand, has no estrogenic activity.
  • Liver Toxicity: Anavar is known to have moderate liver toxicity and can cause liver damage with prolonged use, while the liver toxicity of S23 is not well-established as it is still an experimental compound and requires further research.
  • Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT): Anavar use typically requires post-cycle therapy (PCT) to help restore hormonal balance, while S23 does not require PCT as it does not significantly suppress natural testosterone levels.
  • Side Effects: Both Anavar and S23 can have potential risks and side effects, including hormonal imbalances, virilization in females, and other androgen-related side effects. The specific side effect profile and severity may differ between the two compounds.
  • Legal Status and Availability: Anavar is a controlled substance and is available only with a prescription, while S23 is an experimental compound not approved for human use and is typically not available for legal use in humans, limited to research purposes only.


What are The Similarities Between Anavar and S23?

While Anavar (Oxandrolone) and S23 (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) have several differences, there are also some similarities between the two compounds, which include:

  • Muscle Building Effects: Both Anavar and S23 are known for their potential to promote muscle growth. They are believed to enhance protein synthesis and promote anabolic effects in muscle tissue, which may result in increased muscle size and strength.
  • Performance Enhancement: Both Anavar and S23 are commonly associated with their use in the context of performance enhancement. Athletes and bodybuilders may use these compounds to potentially improve physical performance, increase muscle mass, and enhance strength and power.
  • Androgen Receptor Modulation: Both Anavar and S23 interact with androgen receptors in the body. Anavar binds to androgen receptors, albeit with higher affinity, while S23 selectively binds to androgen receptors, which allows it to exhibit tissue-selective anabolic effects.
  • Potential Fat-Burning Effects: While the primary purpose of Anavar and S23 is not fat burning, both compounds may have some mild fat-burning effects. Anavar is believed to enhance fat metabolism, while S23 may potentially increase metabolism and reduce fat storage.
  • Potential Hormonal Effects: Both Anavar and S23 can potentially impact hormonal levels in the body. Anavar may affect endogenous testosterone production and require post-cycle therapy (PCT) to restore hormonal balance, while S23 has been suggested to have a mild suppressive effect on natural testosterone production.
  • Research Status: Both Anavar and S23 are subjects of ongoing research and are not fully approved for all uses. Anavar is a prescription medication approved for specific medical conditions, while S23 is an experimental compound that is currently not approved for human use and is limited to research purposes only.

It’s important to note that the safety, efficacy, and legal status of Anavar and S23 may vary depending on the jurisdiction and regulations.

Which Should You Use For Bodybuilding and Why?

The decision to use any performance-enhancing drug, including Anavar (Oxandrolone) or S23 (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator), for bodybuilding or any other purpose should be made in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

When considering which compound may be suitable for bodybuilding, several factors need to be taken into account, including individual goals, health status, potential risks and benefits, and legal considerations.

Both Anavar and S23 have been reported to have muscle-building effects and are sometimes used by athletes and bodybuilders to potentially enhance performance and promote muscle growth. However, they also have differences in terms of their mechanism of action, potency, potential side effects, and legal status.

Anavar is an oral anabolic steroid that is prescribed for medical purposes in certain cases of muscle wasting.

It has a higher anabolic rating compared to S23, but it also comes with potential risks of liver toxicity and hormonal imbalances. Anavar is a controlled substance and requires a prescription for legal use.

S23, on the other hand, is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that is still an experimental compound and not approved for human use. It is known for its tissue-selective anabolic effects and potential for muscle growth, but its safety, efficacy, and long-term effects are not fully established.

Ultimately, the decision to use Anavar, S23, or any other performance-enhancing drug for bodybuilding should be based on careful consideration of potential risks, benefits, and legal implications, and made in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice based on individual circumstances.

It’s important to prioritize health and safety and comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to the use of these substances.