Anavar vs Testosterone: Comparison Table (What’s Better?)

Anavar and Testosterone – which one is the better?

This is a question that has been asked by many bodybuilders over the years.

When it comes to performance-enhancing drugs, there are a lot of options to choose from. But which one is the best?

In this blog post, we will compare Anavar vs Testosterone and see which one comes out on top.

Anavar Vs Testosterone

Anavar vs Testosterone Comparison Table

FeatureAnavar (Oxandrolone)Testosterone
Chemical Classification:Synthetic SteroidNatural Steroid
Medical Use:Treating muscle wasting and weight loss due to certain conditionsHormone replacement therapy for low testosterone levels
Anabolic Rating:322-630100
Androgenic Rating:24100
Route of Administration:OralOral, Injectable
Half-Life:9-12 hoursVaries (enanthate: 4-5 days, cypionate: 8-10 days, propionate: 1-2 days)
Estrogenic Effects:LowHigh (can convert to estrogen)
Androgenic Effects:ModerateHigh
Liver Toxicity:LowLow
Muscle Building:Mild to ModerateHigh
Strength Enhancement:Mild to ModerateHigh
Fat Burning:MildMild
Water Retention:LowModerate
Side Effects:Mild (acne, hair loss, virilization in females)Moderate (acne, hair loss, gynecomastia, virilization in females)
Legal Status:Controlled substance, prescription requiredControlled substance, prescription required
Detection Time in Drug Tests:3 weeksVaries (depending on the ester used)
Availability:Available in the black market, limited availability in some countries (BUY HERE)Available with prescription in many countries (BUY HERE)

Testosterone vs Anavar – How Do They Work?

Testosterone and Anavar are both popular anabolic steroids used by athletes and bodybuilders to enhance muscle growth and improve physical performance.

However, they work in different ways and have different effects on the body:

Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone in the body that is responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics, such as a deep voice, facial hair, and muscle mass. Testosterone is also an anabolic steroid that can be used to increase muscle mass and strength. It works by binding to androgen receptors in the body, which stimulates protein synthesis and muscle growth.

Anavar, on the other hand, is a synthetic steroid that is derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is a mild steroid that is often used by women and beginners because of its low androgenic properties. Anavar works by increasing protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscles, which leads to increased muscle mass and strength.

Both testosterone and Anavar can help to increase muscle mass and strength, but they work in different ways.

Testosterone is a more powerful steroid that can produce faster results, but it also has more side effects. Anavar, on the other hand, is a milder steroid that produces slower results, but it has fewer side effects.

It is important to note that the use of anabolic steroids is illegal in many countries and can have serious health consequences. It is recommended that athletes and bodybuilders seek the advice of a medical professional before using any performance-enhancing drugs.

Anavar vs Testosterone – Benefits and Uses

Both Anavar and Testosterone are popular steroids used by athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts.

However, they have different benefits and uses:

Anavar is a mild steroid that is often used by women and beginners because of its low androgenic properties. It is known for its ability to promote muscle growth, increase strength, and improve athletic performance without causing significant side effects. Anavar is also used to treat muscle-wasting diseases, osteoporosis, and other medical conditions that cause muscle loss.


On the other hand, Testosterone is a powerful steroid that is used by men to increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance. It is also used to treat hypogonadism, a condition in which the body does not produce enough testosterone. Testosterone is available in different forms, including injections, gels, and patches.

While both steroids can help improve athletic performance and muscle growth, Anavar is generally considered safer and has fewer side effects compared to Testosterone.

Anavar is also less likely to cause water retention, which can lead to bloating and other health problems. However, Testosterone is more effective at increasing muscle mass and strength, especially when used in higher doses.

In summary, Anavar and Testosterone have different benefits and uses.

Anavar is a mild steroid that is often used by women and beginners, while Testosterone is a powerful steroid that is used by men to increase muscle mass and strength. Both steroids can help improve athletic performance and muscle growth, but Anavar is generally considered safer and has fewer side effects compared to Testosterone.

Anavar vs Testosterone: Key Differences

Anabolic and Androgenic Effects

Both Anavar and Testosterone are anabolic steroids used to build muscle mass and improve athletic performance. However, Anavar is considered to be a milder steroid with less androgenic effects compared to Testosterone. Anavar is often used by bodybuilders and athletes looking to gain muscle mass without the risk of excessive weight gain or water retention.

Testosterone, on the other hand, is a more potent steroid that can lead to significant muscle gains but also has a higher risk of side effects.

Dosage and Administration

Anavar is typically administered orally in tablet form, with a recommended dosage of 20-80mg per day.

Anavar cycles typically last 6-8 weeks. Testosterone can be administered in a variety of forms including injections, gels, and patches, with a recommended dosage of 200-500mg per week for men. Testosterone cycles typically last 8-12 weeks.

It is important to note that both Anavar and Testosterone are controlled substances and should only be used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. Misuse of these steroids can lead to serious health risks and should be avoided.

Side Effects of Anavar and Testosterone

Anavar is considered to be a relatively safe steroid with fewer side effects compared to Testosterone.

As I mentioned earlier on, there are really some nasty side effects that come with using anabolic steroids. These range from things like hair loss and acne to more serious issues like liver damage and heart disease.

Lets list them all:

Anavar Side effects:

  • Hair loss
  • Oily Skin and Acne
  • Liver damage
  • Heart disease
  • skin color changes
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Hair loss
  • Gyno
  • Vomiting
  • Increased/decreased sexual interest
  • Water retention (bloating)

And a few more.

In some cases, when these conditions are left untreated, they can lead to serious health issues and even death. This is why it is very important to check your health for underlying health conditions before using steroids.

Or preferably use a much safer alternative. Click the image below


Now, on to the side effects of testosterone:

Testosterone Side Effects:

  • acne
  • hair loss
  • mood swings
  • aggression
  • irritability
  • depression
  • insomnia
  • headaches
  • high blood pressure
  • heart attacks
  • strokes

These side effects do not apply to everyone, but it’s still something to consider. Some of these side effects can be alleviated by using a lower dose or taking breaks from using the hormone.

Anavar vs Testosterone – Which is Better?

For Bulking

When it comes to bulking, testosterone is the clear winner. It is a powerful hormone that promotes muscle growth and increases strength. Anavar, on the other hand, is not as effective for bulking. While it can help preserve muscle mass during a calorie deficit, it is not as effective at building new muscle tissue.

For Cutting

Both Anavar and testosterone can be effective for cutting, but Anavar is often preferred due to its mild nature. It can help preserve muscle mass while promoting fat loss, making it a popular choice for bodybuilders and athletes. Testosterone can also be effective for cutting, but it may cause water retention and bloating, which can make it harder to achieve a lean, shredded physique.

For Women

Anavar is often considered the go-to steroid for women due to its mild nature and low risk of virilization. It can help women build muscle and burn fat without the risk of developing masculine features such as a deep voice or excess body hair. Testosterone, on the other hand, is not recommended for women due to its high risk of virilization.

For Strength

Testosterone is the clear winner when it comes to strength. It is a powerful hormone that can increase strength and power output, making it a popular choice among powerlifters and strength athletes. Anavar can also increase strength, but it is not as effective as testosterone.

Related: Does Anavar Increase Testosterone?

Legal and Safer Alternative to Anavar and Testosterone

Let me tell you a little story – you see, I was once in your shoes, looking for a way to get bigger, leaner, and stronger legally and safer without putting my life at risk. I tried everything from protein shakes to pre-workouts, but nothing seemed to work. I even tried anabolic steroids, but I stopped after a few cycles because of the nasty side effects.

I was about to give up on my dream of having a ripped physique when I stumbled upon a legal and safe alternative to steroids.

This natural supplement has helped me achieve the results I’ve always wanted, and it can do the same for you.

So, what is this magical supplement?

It’s called Testo-Max, and it’s a natural testosterone booster that can help increase your testosterone levels safely and effectively.

Testo-Max is made with a blend of natural ingredients that have been proven to boost testosterone levels.

These ingredients include:

  • D-Aspartic Acid
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Ginseng
  • Fenugreek
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin D

And more.

Not only does Testo-Max increase your testosterone levels, but it also helps to increase your strength, stamina, and energy levels. It’s the perfect supplement for anyone looking to get bigger, leaner, and stronger.

If you’re ready to achieve the results you’ve always wanted, then head over to the link below and check out Testo-Max for yourself.

I also did further research and discovered a safer and legal Anavar replacement called Anvarol. By the same company that made Testo-Max.

Anvarol is a legal and safe alternative to the anabolic steroid Anavar. It helps to increase your strength, power, and energy levels while also helping to burn fat. Anvarol is made with a blend of natural ingredients that have been proven to be just as effective as Anavar but without nasty side effects.

Get Anvarol here