17 Anavar Side Effects In Bodybuilding (Male & Female)

If you’re a bodybuilder or athlete looking to enhance your performance, you may have heard of Anavar (Oxandrolone). Anavar is a popular anabolic steroid that is known for its ability to promote muscle growth and fat loss.

However, like all anabolic steroids, Anavar comes with a list of potential side effects that you need to be aware of before deciding whether or not to use it.

Both male and female bodybuilders can experience Anavar side effects.

Anavar Side Effects

Some of the most common side effects include liver toxicity, high blood pressure, and cholesterol imbalances. In addition, Anavar can also lead to hair loss, acne, and mood swings. However, the severity and prevalence of these side effects can vary depending on the individual and their dosage.

Anavar Side Effects on Males

Androgenic Side Effects

Anavar is an anabolic steroid that can cause androgenic side effects in males. These side effects include acne, oily skin, and increased facial and body hair growth. In some cases, Anavar can also cause male pattern baldness.

These effects are caused by the steroid’s ability to convert to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a potent androgen. In some cases, Anavar can also cause male pattern baldness. For example, a male who takes Anavar may experience a sudden outbreak of acne on his face or back, or he may notice increased hair growth on his chest or back.

Cardiovascular Side Effects

Anavar can also have cardiovascular side effects in males.

This steroid can increase your risk of developing high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease and stroke. Anavar can also increase your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and decrease your HDL (good) cholesterol levels, which can further increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. For instance, a male who takes Anavar may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, or an irregular heartbeat.


One of the most common side effects associated with Anavar is nausea. This is often worst when the drug is first taken but may lessen over time as your body adjusts to the medication.

Nausea can be accompanied by other symptoms like vomiting, stomach pain, and loss of appetite. If you experience any of these side effects, it’s important to contact your doctor right away. In some cases, they may recommend a different dose or schedule for taking Anavar.

Additionally, there are a few things you can do at home to help ease nausea.

For example, you can try eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day or avoiding foods that are high in fat or grease. You should also drink plenty of fluids and avoid drinking alcohol while taking Anavar. If nausea persists despite these measures, you should stop taking this anabolic steroid and contact your doctor.

Skin Color and Hair Changes

One of the most common side effects associated with Anavar is changes in skin color.

This can range from mild discoloration to more severe changes, such as patches of darker skin. In some cases, these changes may be permanent. The other side effect that is commonly reported is changes in hair growth.

Again, this can range from mild changes, such as a slight thinning of the hair, to more severe changes, such as complete baldness. In most cases, these side effects are reversible once the person stops taking Anavar. However, there is a small risk that they may be permanent.

If you experience any changes in your skin or hair while taking Anavar, you should contact your expert immediately.



Anavar can be hepatotoxic, which means it can damage your liver. This steroid can cause liver damage, liver tumors, and even liver failure in some cases. It is important to monitor your liver function while taking Anavar and to avoid drinking alcohol or taking other drugs that can also damage your liver.

Testosterone Suppression

For instance, a male who takes Anavar may experience a decreased sex drive or difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. Anavar can suppress your body’s natural production of testosterone, which can lead to decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and other sexual dysfunction issues in males. It is important to take post-cycle therapy (PCT) after finishing an Anavar cycle to help your body recover its natural testosterone production.

Cholesterol Imbalance

Anavar can cause a cholesterol imbalance in males. This steroid can increase your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and decrease your HDL (good) cholesterol levels, which can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Erectile Dysfunction

Anavar can cause erectile dysfunction in males. This steroid can decrease your libido and cause other sexual dysfunction issues, which can lead to difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection.

Anavar Blood Pressure

Anavar can increase your blood pressure in males. This steroid can cause hypertension, which can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems. It is important to monitor your blood pressure while taking Anavar and to avoid other drugs or activities that can also increase your blood pressure.


Anavar Side Effects on Females


One of the most concerning side effects of Anavar in females is virilization. This is the development of male characteristics in women, such as a deeper voice, increased body hair, and clitoral enlargement. These changes can be irreversible, so it’s important to monitor symptoms closely and discontinue use immediately if any signs of virilization occur.

Cardiovascular Side Effects

Anavar can also have negative effects on the cardiovascular system in females. It can cause an increase in blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. It’s important to monitor blood pressure and cholesterol levels regularly while taking Anavar.


Like in males, Anavar can also cause liver damage in females. It’s important to limit the duration and dosage of Anavar use to reduce the risk of hepatotoxicity. Regular liver function tests should also be conducted while taking Anavar.

Cholesterol Imbalance

Anavar can also cause an imbalance in cholesterol levels in females. It can decrease levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL) and increase levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL). This can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Anavar can cause fatigue in females, which can impact their ability to perform daily activities and exercise. It’s important to monitor energy levels and adjust the dosage or discontinue use if fatigue becomes severe.

Anavar stomach pain

Some females may experience stomach pain while taking Anavar. This can be a sign of gastrointestinal issues or liver problems. It’s important to consult a healthcare provider if stomach pain persists or worsens.

Anavar Cramps

Anavar can also cause muscle cramps in females. This can be a sign of dehydration or an electrolyte imbalance. It’s important to stay hydrated and replenish electrolytes regularly while taking Anavar.

Anavar headaches

Headaches are another potential side effect of Anavar in females. It’s important to monitor the frequency and severity of headaches and consult a healthcare provider if they persist or worsen.

Potential Kidney Damage

Anavar can also cause kidney damage in females. It’s important to limit the duration and dosage of Anavar use to reduce the risk of kidney damage. Regular kidney function tests should also be conducted while taking Anavar.


Benefits of Anavar in Bodybuilding

If you are looking for a steroid that can help you achieve your bodybuilding goals, Anavar may be a good option to consider.

Here are some of the benefits of using Anavar in bodybuilding:

  • Fat Loss: Anavar is known for its ability to help bodybuilders lose fat while preserving muscle mass. This is because it increases metabolism, which leads to more calories being burned throughout the day.
  • Muscle Gain: While Anavar is not as powerful as some other steroids when it comes to building muscle, it can still help you gain lean muscle mass. This is especially true if you are in a calorie surplus and are training hard.
  • Strength Building: Anavar can help you increase your strength, which is important for bodybuilding. With increased strength, you can lift heavier weights and push your muscles to their limits.
  • Mild Side Effects: Unlike some other steroids, Anavar has relatively mild side effects. This means that you can take it without worrying too much about negative health consequences.
  • Suitable for Women: Anavar is one of the few steroids that women can take without experiencing too many negative side effects. This is because it has lower androgenic properties than many other steroids.
  • Increased Recovery, Endurance & Speed: Anavar can help you recover faster from workouts, which means you can train more frequently. It can also improve your endurance and speed, which can help you perform better in the gym.
  • Big Pumps: Anavar can increase glycogen storage, which can lead to bigger pumps in the gym. This can help you achieve a more aesthetically pleasing physique.

While Anavar has many benefits for bodybuilders, it is important to remember that it is still a steroid and should be used responsibly. Make sure to follow the recommended dosage and cycle length, and always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any steroid cycle.

What’s Better Than Anavar Without Side Effects?

The answer: Anvarol.

There are a few main reasons why Anvarol is better and safer than Anavar. Firstly, Anvarol is designed for safe cutting cycles. Anvarol helps you retain lean muscle mass while you lose weight.

Secondly, you don’t need needles or prescriptions to use Anvarol; you can simply take it orally.

Thirdly, because of its natural ingredients, there are no reported side effects of Anvarol. And finally, Anvarol is much more affordable than Anavar.

The energy needed to contract your muscles comes from ATP (adenosine triphosphate). However, your muscles only contain enough ATP to provide energy for several seconds of movement. This means that for continuous muscle contraction, you need more ATP. When lifting weights, you need more ATP, which is stored in phosphocreatine, which helps quickly regenerate the ATP you need to provide a burst of energy.

Taking Anvarol will increase your phosphocreatine levels, which will help you produce more ATP and allow you to work out harder and longer.


What to Avoid When Taking Anavar

When taking Anavar, it is important to be aware of potential side effects and take steps to minimize them. Here are some things to avoid when taking Anavar:

  • Avoid taking too high of a dosage: Taking too much Anavar can increase the risk of side effects, such as liver toxicity, cholesterol issues, and testosterone suppression. Stick to the recommended dosage and cycle length to minimize the risk of side effects.
  • Avoid taking Anavar for too long: Prolonged use of Anavar can increase the risk of side effects, such as liver damage and testosterone suppression. Stick to the recommended cycle length and take breaks between cycles to allow your body to recover.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol: Alcohol can increase the risk of liver damage when taken with Anavar. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking Anavar to minimize the risk of liver issues.
  • Avoid taking other hepatotoxic substances: Anavar is hepatotoxic, meaning it can damage the liver. Taking other hepatotoxic substances, such as acetaminophen or alcohol, can increase the risk of liver damage. Avoid taking other hepatotoxic substances while taking Anavar.
  • Avoid taking Anavar if you are pregnant or breastfeeding: Anavar can cause birth defects in pregnant women. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid taking Anavar.
  • Avoid taking Anavar if you have pre-existing medical conditions: Anavar can worsen certain medical conditions, such as liver disease, kidney disease, and high blood pressure. If you have pre-existing medical conditions, talk to your doctor before taking Anavar.

By avoiding these things when taking Anavar, you can minimize the risk of side effects and get the most out of the compound’s benefits. Remember to always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or medication.

FAQs on Side Effects of Anavar

Does Anavar affect the kidneys?

Yes, Anavar can affect the kidneys and decrease their function. Anavar is a 17-alpha alkylated anabolic-androgenic steroid that may be hepatotoxic. This means that it is potentially harmful to the liver and that it could also cause damage to the kidneys.

Does Anavar make you angry?

Yes, Anavar can make people angry and irritable to an extent. This is because the drug causes an increase in testosterone levels, which can lead to aggression and irritability. If you are taking Anavar and find yourself getting angry or irritable more easily, you should talk to your doctor about it.

Does Anavar affect male fertility?

Yes, Anavar can affect male fertility. The drug can cause a decrease in sperm count and motility. In some cases, it can also lead to testicular atrophy.

Does Anavar cause erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a possible side effect of Anavar. This is because the drug can reduce levels of testosterone, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. If you experience erectile dysfunction while taking Anavar, you should talk to your doctor about it.

Does Anavar cause hair loss?

As one of the least androgenic steroids on the market, Anavar does not convert estrogen into DHT when taken in small doses. However, at doses of 100mg or more, it may begin to affect hair growth and hair follicles.

Lets take for instance:

Anavar may cause hair loss in both men and women. In men, it can cause male pattern baldness. In women, it can cause thinning of the hair on the scalp.

What are the worst Anavar side effects in females?

Several potential side effects can occur when taking Anavar, especially in female users.

These can include:

  • suppression of natural testosterone production
  • excessive hair growth
  • deepening of the voice
  • enlarged clitoris
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle
  • masculinization (developing male characteristics)

What are the worst Anavar side effects in males?

The worst Anavar side effects in males are acne, liver toxicity, and gynecomastia. While Anavar is generally considered to be one of the safer steroids, it can still cause some significant side effects in men.

Does Anavar cause cancer?

There is no good scientific evidence that Anavar causes cancer.

However, any anabolic steroid (including Anavar) can potentially cause cancer if used in high doses or for long periods. This is because anabolic steroids can increase the level of hormones such as testosterone and estrogen in the body, and these hormones have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.

Does Anavar cause high blood pressure?

To answer this question, yes, Anavar can cause high blood pressure. This is because Anavar (oxandrolone) is a synthetic steroid that behaves similarly to testosterone.

When used in large dosages, it can increase the number of red blood cells in your body, which in turn thickens your blood and makes it harder for your heart to pump. This can lead to high blood pressure and other potentially serious cardiovascular problems.

Does Anavar cause depression?

It’s possible that Anavar can cause depression. According to some research, anabolic steroids have been shown to cause mood disorders and psychiatric problems such as anxiety and depression.

What are Anavar side effects on bodybuilding?

As we’ve discussed in this article, bodybuilders may experience several side effects from Anavar use, including liver damage, kidney damage, mental and mood disorders, virilization in women, and fertility problems in men.

These side effects can be serious and may require medical treatment. If you are considering using Anavar for bodybuilding, it is important to be aware of the potential risks before starting.